SouthWest 2020

Retail Live! Southwest 2020

Thursday, February 20, 2020
Scottsdale, AZ

Registration Fee includes Trade Show entry, Retail Live! Trade book, Great Food and Reception which includes 2 drink tickets per registrant and Live! entertainment!

Early Registration thru Oct 15: $195
General Registration thru Jan 21: $245
Late Registration thru Feb 21: $295
On Site Registration: $295


Register for the Special Session

Retailer Registration Form


Event Details

Retail Live! is similar to many regional networking events; there is an exhibit part of the program as well as a reception. The key difference is that ONLY retailers are allowed to have an exhibit at the Retail Live! trade show other than a few VIP sponsors. This allows the brokers, landlords, developers, and other related industry professionals who attend the program to present their projects or services to only these retailers. The reason this is important is that it drives the attendance; when people know they are getting in front of hundreds of retailers, they attend. In less than a day, participants get a chance to network directly with retailers actively expanding in the Southwestern United States. In many ways, this is the opposite of a typical industry event; it is laid back, attire is casual, meetings are impromptu, and the ambiance is festive.

Retail Live! is a great excuse for people to visit Scottsdale, network with people from all over the Southwest with minimal time commitment, and experience Live! entertainment. And who isn’t looking for an excuse to come to to sunny Scottsdale in February? We look forward to seeing you at Retail Live!

To get your brand in front of Economic Developers, City Managers, Retailers, and Real Estate Professionals at Retail Live! send an inquiry to Stacey Mooney: [email protected] or visit our Sponsor Page

Retailers are provided a special discounted rate, and allowed a specific number of team members per booth. For details, please seee our Retailers Page or contact Stacey Mooney: [email protected]

Beth Azor
Real Estate Consultant / Author
Azor Advisory Services
Beth is known as...

1 PM - 2 PM: Lunch featuring Beth Azor, Author and “Queen of Leasing.”
2 PM - 4 PM: Meet the Retailers Session

4 PM - 5:30 PM: Retail Live! Cocktail Reception

6 PM - 8 PM: Official After Party - Copper Blues Live! - Desert Ridge
Marketplace - Hosted by Vestar


6902 E Greenway Parkway

Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Phone: (480) 624-1000

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Event Details
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